DSW at the RMNCAH National Scientific Conference in Tanzania
From 17th – 19th November 2021 Tanzania held it first ever Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Nutrition (RMNCAH+N) Annual Scientific Conference in Dar es Salaam region. The meeting was organized by Ministry of Health, Community Development, Elderly, Gender and Children in collaboration with Non State Actors including Development Partners and Non- Government Organizations. The objectives of the conference were to share evidenced based practices on implementation of RMNCAH interventions as well as enabling partners to learn from each other on the best practices which can be adapted for improving RMNCAH interventions in the country.
DSW Tanzania showcased innovations of its youth led programs in the areas of adolescent and youth health, Advocacy for Family planning and Adolescent, Girls, Youth empowerment through preparation and dissemination of abstracts that are in line with RMNCAH interventions .
The conference hosted 2000 delegates who come from academia, researchers, CSOs, Health service providers, state actors, pharmaceuticals company’s and health tech Innovators. The conference was inaugurated by the Honorable Kassim Majaliwa, the Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania. The conference was also a platform for the launching of National Plan for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Nutrition- One Plan III and FP 2030 Country commitments. The conference also covered deliberations on Family Planning, Reproductive Health, Nutrition, Community interventions, Health- Tech- Innovations, Youth Friendly service, Maternal and Newborn Care, Human Resource for Health and Accountability.

DSW Tanzania Country Director, Mr. Peter Owaga presenting an abstract during the meeting
During the scientific conference DSW Tanzania got an opportunity to present 6 abstract papers. The abstract papers presented were;
- The Role of Secondary Schools Health Clubs in Addressing Teenage Pregnancy: A case of Dodoma City Council
- Community Dialogue- an Approach to Engaging Communities on Addressing Teenage Pregnancy
- Creating Supportive Community Environment for Accessing Adolescent Friendly Sexual and Reproductive Health Services
- The Role of Youth Champions in Influencing Reproductive Health/ Family Planning Budgets and Policies
- DSW Tanzania Youth Health sport initiative: A vehicle to enhancing youth talents and Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights( SRHR) Knowledge
- Engaging Primary School Children through School Health Clubs towards addressing Sexual and Gender Based Violence
DSW Tanzania abstracts presentations were a platform to showcase how DSW Tanzania interventions and advocacy strategy has influenced policy makers and decision makers in fostering a friendly environment from youths in accessing sexual reproductive health services.

Saumu Rajabu presenting an abstract
The conference was also graced by the presence of the Former President of the United Republic of Tanzania His Excellency Dr. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete as a chair panelist in a plenary discussion on RMNCAH Situation in Tanzania . The call for action from the RMNCAH conference is that every actor in their respective area should work together so that there should be respective maternity care, medical supplies, investment in human resource for health, respect and compassionate care for pregnant women and postpartum care as well as supporting Adolescent and Youth Health and well being.

Winnie Muine presenting an abstract