Report a safeguarding incident

If you know or suspect that the DSW Code of Conduct or a policy has been violated, we urge you to report it. The DSW reporting system provides three formal channels for reporting concerns and incidents.

You can contact an external person of trust by e-mail. External persons of trust have specialist knowledge in the field of safeguarding and know DSW well, but have an independent relationship with the organisation. They will forward the report (anonymously if requested) for processing. Each country office and European office is assigned an external person of trust who can be contacted via separate e-mail addresses:

European offices

Ethiopian Office

Kenyan Office

Tanzanian Office

Jan Kreutzberg

Executive Director

Telephone: +49 511 94373-0

Angela Bähr

Deputy Executive Director | Director Projects & Programmes

Telephone: +49 511 94373-0

Your Message


DSW’s safeguarding regulations

For more information about our safeguarding regulations, you can download our corresponding booklet.