Welcome to DSW’s Frequently Asked Questions! Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about our organisation, our mission and our projects. We look forward to answering your questions and helping you understand how we can work together to create positive change for a healthier and more empowered world.

Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (DSW) is an international development organisation that aims to promote the potential of the largest generation of young people ever to contribute to sustainable population development. It provides young people in East Africa with access to youth-friendly health information and modern contraceptives, and campaigns at the political level for the right to bodily autonomy, especially for young women and girls. The offices in Europe and East Africa also work to promote gender-responsive research and innovation to combat poverty-related diseases.

Our main goal is to provide young people – especially girls and young women – with access to sexuality education, health services and modern contraceptives to strengthen their reproductive health and empowerment and thus contribute to sustainable global population development. We do this through our project work on the ground in East Africa and at the political level with our advocacy teams in Berlin and Brussels.

We work closely with our partners to develop and implement education and health programmes for young people. We do this through our local projects. We train peer educators in our youth clubs. We also work at the political level to promote investment in global health and research.

Our work focuses on four countries in East Africa: Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, where we are committed to improving the lives of young people in the area of sexual and reproductive health and rights. We focus our work on these four regions because of our local expertise. We are also active at the political level in Germany and the EU. Click here for more information on vacancies. DSW does not send staff to these countries; we rely on local experts.

Donations are used in accordance with our statutes to deliver education programmes, health services, community capacity building and policy advocacy. We ensure that every donation is used effectively and transparently to achieve our goals.

Yes, donations to DSW are tax-deductible in Germany. You can claim your donation as a tax deduction. If you donate 60 euros or more per year, you will receive a donation receipt. You will receive a donation receipt that you can use for tax purposes. Donations and membership fees of up to €300 can be submitted to the tax office without an official donation receipt by showing the payment slip from the bank transfer (e.g. a bank statement). You can download our simplified donation receipt here (in German).

We strive to keep administrative costs low so that the majority of your donation goes directly to the programmes. More than 80% of our expenditure goes directly into project work. For more than ten years, DSW has been awarded the seal of approval of the Deutschen Zentralinstituts für Soziale Fragen (DZI) for the careful use of the funds entrusted to it.

Has your question not been answered?

Write to us. You can easily send us your question using the contact form on our website. We will be happy to answer your question and appreciate your interest in our work.

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