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2023/24 Das Wichtigste in Kürze

Unser Jahresbericht 2023/24 in einer zusammengefassten Variante als PDF. Die vollständige Version finden Sie online unter oder auf unsere Jahresberichts-Seite.

2023/2024 In a Nutshell

For the first time in many years, we have produced a condensed English version of our annual report. Take a look inside to read about the highlights of the past year.

Towards a stronger HERA with an ambitious global health dimension

In 2021, the EU created the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA) to strengthen the Union’s ability to prevent, detect and respond to serious cross-border health threats. Three years after its creation, HERA is undergoing its first revision. To ensure that HERA adds value at the EU level and continues to develop its global health dimension, DSW puts forward the following recommendations in this policy paper.

10 Recommendations for FP10

This policy paper goes through ten guiding principles to ensure the 10th EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP10) promotes economic, social and ecological sustainability by delivering on the EU’s health agenda, including the EU’s Global Health Strategy; contributing to SDG3 – ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all.

Exploring Pull Mechanisms to encourage Neglected Disease R&D in the EU

This study examines innovative funding mechanisms to help the European Union (EU) fund global health innovation, including advance market commitments, and others. It was developed in consultation with over 30 leading organisations from academia, industry, and civil society. It includes case studies of successful incentives implemented to drive research and development (R&D) in areas of unmet medical need, such as neglected, rare, or emerging infectious diseases.

Donors Delivering for SRHR – 2024 Report

Find out about countries’ contribution to SRHR in this report tracking funding of all OECD DAC countries in 2022, as part of their Official Development Assistance (ODA).

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