Testamentary donations

If you wish to leave a portion of your assets to DSW, you can do so in your will or inheritance contract. If you have a life insurance policy or a savings or share contract, you can also name DSW as the beneficiary.

Thinking of tomorrow today

Legal succession and wills

Tax-free allowance and inheritance tax

Depending on the assets to be inherited and the family relationship, the state grants different tax allowances on the assets. The more distant the family relationship, the higher the tax rate and the lower the tax-free amount. Only non-profit organisations and foundations such as DSW are exempt from inheritance tax.

Get advice

Because of the many ways in which your will can be drafted, we recommend that you seek legal advice.

You ask yourself

Where do I want to leave traces and pass on my values beyond my lifetime? Who do I want to leave my legacy to?

Our Promise

By remembering DSW in your will, you give young people in East Africa the chance to lead healthy and self-determined lives. We will handle your estate professionally, respectfully and in accordance with your wishes – that is our promise to you.

  • Every contribution makes a dig difference. Even a small donation can make a big difference and empower young people. Find out more about how we work on our website.
  • Your decision is central. We understand that circumstances can change. We can adapt your will to reflect your current personal preferences.
  • You have various options. If you want your support to have a direct impact after your death, you can include DSW in your will. Or you can make a long-term and sustainable impact with an endowmen fund.
  • Play an active role in shaping the future. The choices you make will affect the world long after you are gone. You are giving other people a fair and just chance in life.
  • We are here for you. We are by your side in this important matter.

“It is very important to me to live as sustainably as possible and to support DSW’s preventative project approach.”

“I have been involved with DSW since 2002. My travels to East Africa in the 1970s and 90s left a deep impression on me. Over the years, I have observed that the African continent is facing great challenges due to its growing population – with consequences for local living conditions, but also for the economy and the environment. It is therefore very important to me to live as sustainably as possible and to support DSW’s preventative project approach. That is why I have decided to support DSW with my legacy. I find it reassuring to know that I can help shape the future after my death and give young people a perspective.”

Christian Schrom, DSW co-founder and long-time sponsor

Empowering young people in East Africa with your legacy

In most East African countries, not only is access to contraceptives and health services limited, there is also a lack of educational programmes for young people. Young people in particular are at increased risk of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Informed and healthy young people can shape their own futures and hold great potential for the future of their countries.

Since 1995, DSW has therefore established a network of youth clubs for sexuality education and health prevention in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. In the clubs, peer educators trained by us inform their peers about how they can protect themselves from unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. We combine our education programme with training and further education measures. These empower young people to improve their lives independently and in the long term.

The youth clubs also organise their own awareness campaigns in their communities and send trained members to advocate for young people at the political level. In this way, we engage parents, teachers and community members in sustainable social change and ensure that policymakers in East Africa prioritise and fund the health sector.

Motivations for charitable bequests

Source: Initiative “Mein Erbe tut Gutes. Das Prinzip Apfelbaum”, GfK-Umfrage “Gemeinnütziges Vererben in Deutschland”, 2019

Frequently asked questions

For a comprehensive overview of the topics of wills and inheritance law, we recommend the brochure “Erben und Vererben” (only available in German) from the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, which you can download here.

You yourself can choose the focus of your support during your lifetime. If you do not, your legacy will be used to fund projects that improve the lives of young people in East Africa. Your gift will go towards education programmes, health services and awareness raising to create lasting change.

Yes, you can adjust your testamentary donation to Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (DSW) in your will if your circumstances or preferences change.

You have a number of options for organising your support. You can make a one-off donation in your will or make a long-term impact by establishing an endowment fund under the umbrella of DSW or by making by making an endowment to DSW in your will..

As we are unable to provide legal advice, please contact your lawyer or notary directly to amend your will. We will, of course, assist you throughout the process.

It is always a good idea to make a will. This is the only way to determine who should receive your assets. If there is no will, your relatives or the state will inherit. A will should be drafted in such a way that its provisions are valid regardless of the size of your estate.

If you would like to include severalorganisatons in your will and you have no relatives, it may be helpful to name only one or a few organisations as direct beneficiaries. You can leave a legacy, for example a certain amount of money, to the other organisations. This makes it easier to reach agreement among the few beneficiaries.

You can add to, amend or revoke your will at any time without giving a reason. If you have concluded an inheritance contract, you can no longer unilaterally change the inheritance promise, unless the contract reserves the right to revoke. You can only revoke or amend a joint will together as long as both spouses or partners are alive. After the death of one partner, the surviving partner is bound by the joint will, unless you have stipulated in your will that the surviving partner can make new testamentary dispositions. Please consult your lawyer or notary for advice.

Does this appeal to you? Arrange a personal consultation.

Would you like to support DSW with part of your estate or through a foundation? Please contact us, we look forward to hearing from you and developing opportunities together.

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Your contact person

Sina Rabe

Head of Fundraising Unit

Telephone: +49 511 94373-15
Email: sina.rabe[at]dsw.org

Our donations account

Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (DSW)
IBAN: DE56 2504 0066 0383 8380 00
Or donate online here