Enhancing livelihood prospects for young people in Ethiopia

The aim of the project is to improve the living situation of young people in Ethiopia, primarily in rural but also in urban areas. To this end, attractive prospects are being created for the rapidly growing young population and over 70,000 young people aged 15 to 29 are being supported in the Amhara and Oromia regions.

The project combines activities on three thematical components:
1. Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), including access to contraception and family planning,
2. Agriculture, with a focus on coffee and agricultural employment), and
3. Logistics and education. The project is the pilot project of SAfA.

About 28% of the Ethiopian population is aged between 15-29. Most youth live in rural areas, have poor access to education, and at best support their families through care work or earn a little extra money from time to time through small jobs. Economically attractive opportunities and access to vocational training are lacking. Further to this, social services that young people need, such as sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) services, are scarce and are not tailored to the needs of young people. The situation is even more challenging for young women, who have fewer opportunities for a self-determined life due to prevailing gender inequalities and are more prone to sexual and gender based violence (SGBV). Additionally, young people rarely have resources – such as land or capital – to build a future. Various (training and further) education opportunities offered by the project partners address this challenge and enable the young people to have a professional perspective. The offerings of the individual organisations thus create unique synergy effects and holistically improve the livelihood prospects of young people.

Miriam Riechers

Key activities

Knowledge transfer on sexual and reproductive health (SRH) to more than 70.000 young people

Supporting 50 health centers and health posts in establishing youth-friendly health services in the area of SRHR

Training for 60 health service providers on comprehensive family planning

Awareness-raising in the youth’s environment, including mobile clinics offering counseling on modern contraception and family planning.

Training of 600 female change agents and community promoters to provide education on family planning in communities and households

Raising awareness of sexual and reproductive health in 24 schools and universities.

Training of 20 Youth Champions who accompany political decision-making processes at local, regional and national levels

Implementation of courses in vocational training and innovative business management for 120 youth club members

Bulid the capacity of 346 health service providers on the provision of youth-friendly SRHR services, comprehensive family planning, STI management and screening for cervical cancer, screening and diagnosis of fistula

Build the capacity of 208 youth club members on club leadership & management, and entrepreneurship and business skills

Key activities of the partners

Improving the economic situation of young people through employment in agricultural value chains (HRNS Ethiopia)

Qualification of young people and other stakeholders from various value chains through market-oriented higher education, vocational training and consulting in the areas of logistics, transport and supply chain management (EMF)

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Plannable support for young people